Manage Bipolar Disorder with Disability Benefits
Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric condition characterized by one or more episodes of abnormally high mood swings.
These episodes are referred to as ‘mania’, which typically leads to periods of depression. Depression phases can simultaneously occur with the episodes of mania, which can be seriously debilitating to the brain if left untreated. As mania episodes reach extreme levels, people with bipolar disorder may begin to exhibit psychotic symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations, which in turn can lead to suicidal tendencies.
The severity of bipolar disorder can vary wildly from person to person, as it depends on ‘casual factors’. These factors can be things such as genetics, childhood precursors, life events and experience, neural processes, melatonin activity, and psychological processes.
Similar to treatment for other mental disorders, bipolar disorder treatment comes in one of three forms: medications, psychotherapy, or a combination of both practices. These therapies help people with bipolar disorder manage their symptoms; however, significant improvement may not happen immediately, but over a longer period of treatments.
Left unchecked, bipolar disorder symptoms can become severe, and finding support and the appropriate treatments immediately is crucial. Unfortunately, bipolar disorder treatment can be draining, both emotionally and financially.
What Programs Are Out There?
The Canadian government provides people with bipolar disorder, or other physical/mental disabilities, disability benefits designed to offset the financial and emotional burden a disability can put on a family. Disability benefits for bipolar can come in the form of the Canadian Disability Tax Credit – created for families to maintain their standard of living.
However, almost half of the Canadians who qualify for the DTC or bipolar disability don’t submit a claim.
Most differently-abled Canadians find the Disability Tax Credit application process tedious, cumbersome, and complex. On top of their diagnosis, it’s simply too much work to be bothered with.
And that’s where we come in.
The National Benefit Authority was created as an easy-to-access, go-to resource people can turn to for assistance with the Canadian Disability Tax Credit.
No need to stress over determining your Disability Tax Credit eligibility. Don’t feel alone navigating through your Disability Tax Credit application (Form T2201). The NBA will assist with the research, the application forms, and anything in between to successfully recover your DTC. Our in-house team specializes in the DTC, and follows up directly with the Canadian Revenue Agency, meaning fast and timely submittals and approvals.
As our testimonials can attest to, we’re Canada’s top service provider for all things related to the Canadian Disability Tax Credit. We’ve assisted over 40,000 Canadians in successfully claiming disabled tax credits of upwards of $50,000 per application!